Curtain Library’s Curtain Installation Procedure

Curtain Library's Curtain Installation Procedure

Delivering top-tier customer service at every stage of our projects, we provide our curtain installation service free of charge!

As the go-to curtain makers for both residential homes and commercial buildings, Curtain Library is able to deliver quality on-site installation services to our clients without charging extra for our work. Before we even bring our curtains to your homes, we usually would give you a call a week before the completion of your curtains to book an appropriate time for their set up. 

It is especially important for us to plan ahead with our clients who need curtains for their condos or flats as we have to clarify your management’s policies when it comes to inviting contractors into homes for on-site work.

In this article, we will be sharing Curtain Library’s typical on-site installation process.

We would like to firstly point out that our on-site team practices the utmost discipline when entering your premises. All our technicians are trained to follow our strict standard operating procedures (SOP) to ensure a smooth and safe installation. We do this because we respect our clientele’s homes and believe our jobs are to enhance your home, not cause unwanted accidents. 

Aside from our in-house rules when it comes to on-site visits, we are also enforcing strict COVID-19 SOP’s as we work through this pandemic. This means that we have equipped our team with our own sanitisers and face masks, as well as briefed them on how to carry themselves in your homes. We would also appreciate it if homeowners would work with our team in taking precautions by keeping a minimum 1-metre distance from our team during the installation process.

Curtain Library’s On-Site Installation process

Step 1: Work area set up

The first step of our installation process is ensuring that the surrounding work area is free from renovation dust, paint, or debris to avoid unwanted damage on your new curtains. After clean-up, our on-site team will lay down our carpets on your floor to protect them during the installation process.

Curtain Library Marking Up For Curtain Installation

Step 2: Mark-up & levelling

We will then take to properly planning and laying down where your curtain tracks should be installed. At this stage, we use special tools that help us more precisely pinpoint the right places to put up our curtain mounts, as well as test if your ceiling is able to handle the weight of your new curtains.

Curtain Library Drilling For Curtain Installation

Step 3: Drilling

After the markings for our mounts are properly balanced, we will use a drill to affix the mounts onto your ceiling. These mounts are important as they are what your curtain’s railings will be supported by. We usually bring along a vacuum to deal with the dust as we drill. Once the mounts are up, we give the area another round of dusting and clean up before installing your curtain tracks. 

For high-rise or condominium residents, we request for you to ask your building’s management team about their policies involving construction noises as there will be drilling during this process. To streamline this process, we usually opt for appointments between 9am to 6pm on weekdays as that is the usual duration allowed by most property managements for work to be done in the home. 

Curtain Library Installing Curtain Tracks

Step 4: Installing the tracks

Once the mounts are up and levelled, our technician will put up our curtain tracks. For concealed curtain tracks, bear in mind that you have to plan ahead for your plaster ceilings to make sure the ceiling is reinforced and can support the tracks and your new curtain’s weight.

Curtain Library's Guide For First Time Curtain Buyers

Need help more information on how to reinforce your ceilings for curtains? Get your free technical specification details for your contractor, here!
A Quick Guide for First-Time Curtain Buyers

We offer a few types of curtain tracks for the home, ranging from decorator rods, regular tracks, and motorised curtain tracks. Contact our consultants for a one-on-one guide through the curtain customisation process. You can find our contact information at the end of the article!

Step 5: Hanging up the curtains

After making sure all components of your curtain tracks are in place, we move on to the final curtain installation step: hooking your curtains onto the gliders. At this stage, take this as an opportunity to finally see your envisioned curtains coming into reality. As our curtains are to be set up once all your renovation work has been done, this is the moment to admire their standalone beauty before you bring in your surrounding furniture. 

Step 6: Clean up

Once you and our on-site team are happy with the final look of the curtains, we will clear the premise of our tools and any debris from our work. 

Step 7: Curtain care tips & advice

Once your curtains are put up and ready for use, our on-site consultant will help you remove any creases from the services and make them look presentable. To finish our customised curtain service, we usually give homeowners our tips and tricks of proper curtain care by demonstrating how to gather and tie the curtains in an elegant way. We do this as a way to pass on the responsibility of maintaining the quality of our curtains to our clients. This is also the stage where we take the opportunity to teach them how to put up and take down the curtains themselves.

There are a few things you can do to make the most out of your curtains, browse through our previous articles to see how you can best style or complement them.

We hope this article has helped explain our process when it comes to installing curtains on your premises. The time it takes for our installation process to be complete varies according to the number of windows in your home, as well as the type of tracks you will be using. Typically, we’re able to keep our installation process to be under a few hours but it varies according to the size of your premise and the number of curtains that need to be installed. 

A rough estimate we usually give to homeowners is that we usually need around 4 to 6 hours to carry out our installations in terrace houses (with 1 to 2 sliding doors and 6 to 10 windows) and semi-D homes (with 2 to 4 sliding doors and 8 to 12 windows). For bigger premises, like bungalows, we split our on-site installation process into 2 days: setting up the curtain tracks on Day 1, and hanging up the curtains on Day 2. 

Need help setting up your curtains or want an easy, hassle-free curtain customisation experience? Curtain Library can make that happen for you. Book an appointment, talk to us via Facebook or WhatsApp or email us your enquiries at

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